
Regional airlines rely on de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft across diverse routes

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Regional airlines rely on de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft across diverse routes
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Jake Hardiman Senior Editor | Simple Flying

Winair uses four Twin Otters to connect Sint Maarten to various Caribbean destinations. Air Seychelles flies to Seychelles' surrounding islands with five Twin Otters. Malaysia Airlines has six Twin Otters for flights within Malaysia's Sarawak region. For nearly 60 years, the Canadian-built de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter has been a lifeline for many isolated communities and the workhorse of many small regional airlines. Using recent data from the aviation analytics website Cirium, we have compiled a list of airlines that currently operate the Twin Otter and where they fly.


Short for Windward Islands Airways International NV, Winair is a government-owned Dutch regional airline based on the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten. According to the aviation data and statistics website ch-aviation, Winair has four DHC-6-300 Twin Otters that it uses to fly to the following destinations from Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) in Sint Maarten:

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Curaçao International Airport (CUR)

Bonaire Flamingo International Airport (BON)

Queen Beatrix International Airport (AUA) in Aruba

V.C. Bird International Airport (ANU) in Antigua

Gustaf III Airport (SBH) in St. Barts

Douglas–Charles Airport (DOM) in Dominica

Martinique Aimé Césaire International Airport (FDF)

Vance W. Amory International Airport (NEV) in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Air Seychelles

Air Seychelles is the national airline of the Republic of Seychelles based at Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) on the island of Mahé. According to ch-aviation, Air Seychelles has five DHC-6-400 Twin Otters in its fleet. Air Seychelles uses its STOL planes to fly from Seychelles International Airport (SEZ) to:

Praslin Island Airport (PRI)

Bird Island Airport (BDI)

Denis Island Airport (DEI)

D'Arros Island Airport (FSDA)

Frégate Island Airport (FRK)

Malaysia Airlines

Malaysia Airlines is Malaysia's national flag carrier, headquartered at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL). According to ch-aviation, Malaysia Airlines has six DHC-6-400 Twin Otters in its fleet of 92 aircraft. The airline uses its Twin Otters for domestic flights on Sarawak island in Malaysia:

Marudi Airport (MUR) to Bario Airport (BBN)

Miri Airport (MYY) to Marudi Airport (MUR)

Long LellangAirport(LGL)t MiriAirport(MYY)

MarudiAirport(MUR)t LongLellangAirport(LGL)

Divi Divi Air

Based at CuraçaoInternationalAirport(CUR),DiviDiviAirhas afleetoffour aircraft,twoofwhichareDHC6_300TwinOtters.Div iDiveAirusesitstwinnOttersonflightsbetweenCuraçaoInternationalAi rport(CUR)a ndthefollowingdestinations:

BonaireFlamingoInterna tionalAirport(BON )

Curaça oInternationalA irport(C UR )

QueenBeatrixInte rnationalA irport(AUA )inAruba


BasedinRichmond,BritishColumbia,Cana da,H arbourAiroperatesafleetoffloatplanes,o fwhic hthreearedeHavillan dCanadaD HC_ 6TwinO tters.HarbourAirus esit'sforflightsbetweenthefollo winglocations:

VancouverHarbo ur VictoriaHarbour SeattleHa rbour NanaimoHarb our TofinoH arbour WhistlerGreenLake PatriciaBay Richmond(Y VRSouth ) PowellRiver SaltSpring(Ganges ) MapleBay SecheltTerminal ComoxHarbo ur PittMeadows

Fiji Airways

FromitshubatNadiInternat ionalAirport,theFijian nati onalflagcarrieroperatesflightsto27destinations.F iji Airwayshasafleeto f21ai rcraft ,ofwhichthreearenewVi kingDHC _ 6Series4 00TwinO tte rs.FijiA irwaysusesitsTw i nOtter sforfligh tsfromNa diInter nationalAi rpor t(NAN)a nd Suva_NausoriAi rp ort(SUV)tothefoll owingdesti nations:

RotumaAi rport(RTA ) VuniseaAi rport(KDV ) Cicia Ai rp ort(ICI ) VanuabalavuA irp ort(VBV ) Taveuni Ai rp ort(TVU ) Koro Ai rp ort(KXF ) Savusavu Ai rp ort(SVU )

PAL Airlines

PAL A irlinesisaCanad ianregionalairlinebasedatSt.John'sInternationalAirport(YYT)i nStJohn's,N ewfoundlandandLabrador ,Canada.Itsfleetconsistsof31ai rcraf t ,tenofwh ichar eDHC _ 6300TwinOt tersfromSt.John'sInter natio nalAirport( YYT ).PALAirl inesusesitsTwinOtte rstoflyto th efollowingdesti nations: GanderInter nation alAirpo rt(YQX ) DeerLakeRegion alAi rpo rt(YDF ) St.AnthonyA irpor t(YAY GooseBa yAirp or t(YYR Wabush Ai r port(YWK GreaterMonctonRoméoLeBlancInt ernationalAi rport(YQM )


Ownedandop eratedbytheIsl esofScillySteamshipCompany,I sl esofScil lySkybusisheadquarteredinPen zance,Cornwall.Thea irlineopera tesafleetoffourdeHa villandCanad aD HC_ 6Tw i nOtt ersa ndthreeBrit ten_No rm anBN_2Islanders.FromitsmainbaseatLand 'sEnd A irpor t(LEQ ),ito ffersyear_roundflightstoStMary 'sAirp ort(I SC)o nt he Isleso fS c illy.Duringthesummer,I sl es o fS c illySkybusprovidesflightstot heScillyIslesfro mthefo llowing threeairport s: Land 'sEnd Ai rptort(L EQ Exe terAi rpo rt(E XT CornwallAIr po rtNewq uay(N QY)

AIrInuit AIrInuitwasfoundedin1978toconnectQuebec 'snorthernmostcommunit ieswiththeresto fCa nadaandbeyond.HeadquarteredintheMontrealboroughofSaint_Laurent,Q uebec,Cana da,A IRInu it' sprimaryhubisatKuujjuaqAIrp or t(YVP ).Accor ding totheaviationdataan dstatistic sw ebsitech_av iatio n,AIR Inui tha safle et o f31ai rcraf t ,seveno fw hichar eD HC_63 00Tw inOtt ers.Tasiujaq AIr por t(YTQ AupalukAIr por t(YPJ Inukjuak AIr por t(YPH Puvirnitu q YPX Umiujaq YUD KangiqsualujjuaqGeorgesRiv erAIrp or(XGR )

Loganair Headqu arterediniPaisleynearGlasgow,L oga airisaScottishregionala irlinethatma inil yoperatesdomesticflightswi thin th eUnitedKingdom.Accordingtot hea viatio nda taands tatisticswebsitech_av ia tion,L oganairhasa fle eto f35ai rcraf toneof whichisa DH C_63 00andt wo ofw hichareDH C_6400Twin Ott ers.L oga nair,w iththesu ppoftoftheSco ttishgovernment,o ffersfligh tsfro mGlasgow AIr po rt(GLA)tothefo l lowingdestina tions: Campbeltown(CAL TireeAIr po rt(TRE Barra AIrp or(BRR Photo:LiumMcManus|FlickrBarraAIrp or(BRR)isunique becauseitisth eo nl yc ommercialairportintheworldwi thscheduledfli ghtsthatuseatid albeachasaru nwa y.AIrTin di Basedinyellowknife,NorthwestTerritories,Cana da,AIRTi ndi servesnortherncommunitiesfromitshubatyellowkni feAIRpor(tYZ F).Accordingtotheavia tionda taands tatisticswebsitech_a viation,AIRTindi hasa fle et o f17ai rcra ft,seveno fw hic hareDH C6300Twino tt ers.Fromyellowkn ifeAIR port(yzF AIRtin difliestoth efollow ingdes tinations: FortSimpsonAIR port(yfs Gamètì/RaeLak esAIR por(yra WekweètìAIR po ryfj Lutselk'eAIR portysg HayRiver/MerlynCart erAIR portyhy Whatì AIR por yle Relate dKen nethBullock :TheManWhoHelpedDesignThedeHa villandCanadaDH C _6TwinOtte The storyofthem anwhohelpedbuildoneoftheworld smostversatile ai rcraf

Organizations Included in this History
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