As credit card rewards remain a primary concern for consumers, the aesthetic appeal of the cards themselves has become an increasingly significant factor. The discussion around this topic reveals that many individuals care about the look and feel of their credit cards, even if they hesitate to admit it.
A recent online discussion highlighted contrasting opinions on various credit cards. One user commented, "I just got my freedom flex, and ngl, it’s kind of an ugly card. Flimsy, weird iridescent teal color, green edges, cluttered front with the number on it. My Citi cards also feel like cheap plastic." In contrast, another user praised their Wells Fargo Autograph card: "Lovely color and it’s actually got some weight and firmness to it."
The Bilt Mastercard has garnered particular attention for its design despite being a no-annual-fee card. Users have described it as "classy and heavy" and noted that its premium feel stands out among other cards in its category. One user remarked, "The Bilt MasterCard looks so classy and heavy and well… built," while another added, "I didn’t until I got complemented on my metal Bilt Mastercard."