American Airlines has entered into a conditional sales agreement to purchase 100 hydrogen-electric engines from ZeroAvia. These engines will be used to convert the airline's 70-seat Bombardier CRJ700 regional jets. The announcement was made by both companies on July 2.
ZeroAvia is working on developing the ZA2000 powertrain, designed for aircraft with up to 90 seats, and plans to introduce the smaller ZA600 engines for 20-seat regional aircraft. The company opened a manufacturing site near Seattle in April and aims to install the first ZA600 units under supplemental type certificates (STC) in 2025, with larger units following in 2027.
The conversion of the CRJ700 will involve replacing its existing GE Aerospace CF-34 turbofans. In October 2021, ZeroAvia partnered with Mitsubishi's MHI RJ Aviation Group (MHIRJ) subsidiary to work on plans for the STC. Although MHIRJ had not committed initially, an agreement was finalized in May 2022.