Bombardier is set to host the second edition of its Flight Attendant Safety Summit, focusing on enhancing cabin safety. The event is scheduled for August 8 at Bombardier's Laurent Beaudoin Completion Centre in Montreal. It will feature workshops and presentations designed primarily for flight attendants but beneficial for all aviation professionals.
The summit will include a presentation by Stacey Jackson, president and founder of HF Solutions, titled "Build Your Horizon Point." This session aims to align safety objectives with broader professional and personal goals.
Additional sessions include "Courage in Extraordinary Circumstances," presented by Don Chupp, president and CEO of Fireside Partners; "Aviation Food Safety" with John Detloff, senior vice president of global networks and quality standards at Air Culinaire Worldwide; "Enhancing Health and Safety of Aviation Crew Members" with Ryan Brockhaus, security specialist for aviation and maritime at MedAire; "Flightess Fix: Crafting Calm in the Chaos of the Galley" with Jamie Gibson, founder of Flightess; and “Crewmember Fit to Fly: Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy While Away from Home” with Richard Gomez, vice president of products at MedAire.