The Royal Air Force (RAF) operates a specialized luxury airliner known as the "Vespina," which serves a role similar to the American Air Force One. This aircraft is designed for use by the British Royal Family, the Prime Minister of the UK, and other government ministers. The Vespina is based on the Voyager Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT), part of the RAF's aerial refueling fleet.
The Vespina is an adapted version of the Airbus A330 widebody twin-engine airliner, modified extensively for VIP transport while retaining its original capabilities. The interior layout prioritizes comfort for government officials and includes a sophisticated communications suite for secure operations during international flights. According to Airbus, this aircraft offers flexibility, enabling air-to-air refueling and serving as a luxurious platform for high-level travel.
The Vespina plays a crucial role in UK diplomacy, allowing leaders to travel efficiently worldwide. It symbolizes British power and influence on the global stage. The interior includes 58 business class seats, 100 standard class seats, a desk for the principal passenger, and five additional storage units. The Ministry of Defense notes that it can fly continuously for over 10 hours without refueling due to its design optimized for long-distance missions.