Cash-back credit cards are gaining attention for their simplicity and consistent rewards. A selection of these cards offers a straightforward 2% cash back on all purchases, eliminating the need to track category bonuses or activate special earning rates.
Among the notable options is the Citi Double Cash Card, which provides 2% cash back—1% when you make a purchase and another 1% when you pay it off. "Those searching for a simple cash-back card with no bonus categories to track will love the Citi Double Cash," states The Points Guy. Despite having no annual fee, this card does not offer significant travel protection benefits and charges a 3% foreign transaction fee.
Another option is the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card, which includes cellphone protection as a benefit. This card has no annual fee and offers a $200 cash rewards bonus after spending $500 in the first three months. The Points Guy highlights its appeal: "The Wells Fargo Active Cash Card is one of the few unlimited 2% cash rewards cards with no annual fee that also comes with a welcome bonus."