Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 314, known as the "Black Knights," holds a prominent place in the United States Marine Corps' aviation history. The squadron, originally called "Bob's Cats," was established on October 1, 1943, at Cherry Point, North Carolina. During World War II, they flew the Vought F4U Corsair and played a crucial role in the Pacific Theater, particularly during the invasion of Okinawa in May 1945. Their efforts earned them the Presidential Unit Citation for extraordinary courage and heroism.
Following World War II, VMF-314 was decommissioned but was reactivated in 1952 amid rising Cold War tensions. The squadron transitioned to jet aircraft with the F9F Panther at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. They were actively involved in the Korean War from September 1953 to July 1954, providing close air support and precision strikes against enemy forces.
In 1957, VMF-314 adopted the nickname "Black Knights" and introduced the Douglas F-4D Skyray into their fleet. This era saw significant advancements in their capabilities with all-weather flying and advanced radar systems. In 1961, they transitioned to the F4B Phantom, enhancing their operational range and mission complexity.