Comedian Keith Lyle, known for his role in "The Hangover," has commented on the ongoing hospitality workers' union negotiations. He said that the focus should be on mediation and productive discussions rather than public stunts. Lyle made this statement in a post on X on January 14.
"Why don't you sit down for a negation session? Or how about the mediation the current non striking union members are asking for," said Lyle, Actor and Comedian. "Looks like you are using the situation for publicity instead of doing your work."
According to the Culinary Union's X post, Lyle's comments addressed the handling of ongoing strikes by hospitality workers at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, who are advocating for a union contract. The Culinary Union, representing over 60,000 workers in Nevada, has been a leading force behind these strikes, urging customers to respect picket lines in support of workers. Lyle expressed frustration with the union's tactics, advocating for negotiation and mediation instead of public demonstrations.
Keith Lyle's X post