Iran has faced long-standing sanctions from the United States, which have hindered its ability to purchase new commercial aircraft. This situation has forced Iran to rely on the black market for components to maintain its aging fleet. Despite having a functional airline industry, it is not sufficient to meet the country's needs, and government subsidies are necessary.
The country operates around 150 aircraft out of an inventory of 300-350, while it estimates needing 550 planes. Iran Air, the national carrier, has supplemented its fleet by acquiring second-hand retired aircraft through shell companies. An example includes four ex-Turkish Airways Airbus A340s that were redirected to Tehran in 2022.
"Under the framework of this program, fleet expansion up to 550 airplanes, repairing airplane parts, and indigenizing the knowledge for the construction of aircraft inside the country are set on the agenda... including buying airplanes, manufacturing airplanes, and repairing grounded airplanes. We need 550 airplanes to meet the country’s air transportation demands,” stated Mohammadi-Bakhsh as reported by Tehran Times.