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Cessna 408 SkyCourier | Wikipedia

The Cessna 408 SkyCourier is a twin-engine utility aircraft designed and developed by Cessna, a Textron Aviation company. The aircraft was announced in November 2017 and performed its first flight in May 2020. Following a comprehensive flight test campaign, the type received its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification in March 2022.

FedEx Express, the world’s largest cargo operator by fleet size and freight tons flown, ordered 50 Cessna 408 SkyCouriers in 2017. The delivery of the first production model to FedEx commenced in May 2022. As of 2024, Textron Aviation has delivered over 35 examples of its largest aircraft.

The SkyCourier boasts various applications as a high-wing monoplane capable of carrying three LD3 load containers with a maximum range of 920 NM (1,700 km). The freighter version features a large cargo door and flat floor for easy loading and maneuvering of cargo containers.

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The aircraft can be configured as a19-passenger regional carrier with a spacious baggage compartment in the aft cabin. It includes separate crew and passenger doors for smooth boarding during flights and large cabin windows for natural light.

According to Textron Aviation:

"Designed from the ground up with a flexible payload that’s big enough for your cargo or up to19 passengers and their baggage. The Cessna SkyCourier turboprop offers the winning combination of low costs and unparalleled lift capacity, but don’t take our word for it. When aleading global logistics company buys afleet,you know it has to beamazing.WiththeCessnaSkyCourierutilityturboprop,therearenolimitstoyourambitions."

Textron Aviation also offers a combi version certified by FAA in May2024, which accommodates nine passengers upfront while loading freight at therear. Lannie O’Bannion,S enior Vice Presidentof Global Salesand Flight OperationsatT extronA viation,e xpressedh isexcitemen tduringt hecertification:

“This newly certified combi kit adds to the growing list of options for the versatile Cessna SkyCourier.TheCombiwillallowoperatorstousetheaircraftforanevenbroaderrangeofmissionsgloballyandquicklychangeconfigurationstobestservetheirneeds.”

In July2024,thefirstproductionaircraftwasdeliveredtoEvertsAirCargoanAlaskancharterairline.RobEvertsownerofEvertsAirstates

“TheaircraftishighlyadaptableandtheultimatesolutionforairfreightandpassengersupportinAlaska.TheSkyCouriercombiwillallowustobeflexibleandserveth euniqueneedsofcitizensinremotecommunities”

FedExExpressalong-termcustomerforCessnahavingoperatedCessnaCaravanfo rover30yearsbecam ethelaunchcustomerwithaninitialorderof50aircraftandscopeforupto100.CEODavidCunninghamcommented

"FedExExpresshashadagreatrelationshipwithTextronAviationover years,andthisnewadvancedaircraftwillplayakeyroleinourfeederaircraftmodernizationstrategy.TheCessnaSkyCourier408offersanumberofsignificantfeaturesthatwillenhanceourlongtermfeederstrategy"


"WithourdepthofexpertiseprovensuccessinnewproductdevelopmentwewereeagertoworkdirectlywithaworldclasscompanylikeFedExExpresstojointlydevelopehtCe ss naSky Courier.The air craft will fulfill agapinthismarketsegmentwithitssuperiorperformancelowoperatingcostscombinationcabinflexibilitypayloadcapabilityefficiencyonlycleansheetdesigncanoffer "

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