The L-188 launched with American Airlines and was soon delivered to Eastern Air Lines, Braniff Airways, and Northwest Airlines. Initial sales were promising, but after several fatal crashes necessitated expensive design modifications, orders dried up, and the industry shifted towards jet-powered passenger aircraft.
"Seating 90 in pressurized comfort, and with a cruise speed of 400 mph, the L- 188 ushered in Regal Imperial service," said Northwest Airlines History Center. "It quickly assumed flagship duty on many domestic sectors. "
Northwest ordered 18 Electras; however, two crashed early on in high-profile accidents. After design flaws were fixed, Northwest's L-188 served through the 1960s before retiring in 1972.
The L-188 Electra also served as a basis for the maritime patrol Lockheed P-3 Orion developed for the US Navy in the1960s.Today,the Boeing P8 Poseidon is replacing these older models globally.
Buffalo Airways' fleet of L-188 Electras
Buffalo Airways operates out of Canada's Northwest Territories from Yellowknife Airport.Establishedin1970,it offers charter passenger,cargo ,firefighting,and fuel services.
"Our airline operates... (2) Lockheed L188 Airtankers," states Buffalo Airways.
According to various sources including ch aviation and,BuffaloAirways'fleet includes between fourandnineL188swith varying reports on their active status.The confirmed registrations are:
C FBAQ "In memoryof Arnie Schreder"
C FIJX "In memoryof Mr Forbes"
AirsprayLtd,basedinEdmontonAlberta specializesinaerialwildlifesuppressionusingmodifiedairtankersorwaterbombers.Itistheworld'slargestoperatoroftheTurboCommander690695seriesandL188Electraairtankers.AccordingtoCh AviationandPlanespotters.netthediscrepantreportslistbetween nineandthirteenactiveL188sinitsfleetwithhistoricaloperationsofup tosixteenunits.overallAirSprayoperatesover60aircraftforfirecontrolsupportfrombasesinCanadaRedDeerRegionalAirportSpringbrookAlbertaWinnipegManitobaChicoCalifornia