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Transpacific routes for Summer 2025
Webp asia
Asia-Pacific airlines | Simple Flying

Major North American and Asia-Pacific airlines are operating some of the

longest and most frequent transpacific routes this summer, between May and

September 2025. These routes offer global legacy carriers the most modern

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narrow and widebody aircraft. Based on ch-aviation data, this article explores

the most frequent transpacific flights this summer.

Guam, TR (GUM) to Tokyo Narita (NRT)

Number of flights this summer: 611

United Airlines: 458 flights Japan Airlines: 153 flights

Guam (GUM), US to Tokyo Narita International Airport (NRT), has 611 flights

scheduled between May and September 2025. United Airlines operates its fleet of

Boeing 737-800 for 458 flights. The airline uses its 73U configuration on Guam

flights with a capacity of 166 passengers in three classes:

16 cradle seats arranged in Domestic First \* 42 Collins Aerospace Pinnacle

seats in Economy Plus \*108 Collins Aerospace Pinnacle seats in Economy

Japanese flag carrier JAL utilizes its Boeing 767-300ER aircraft for153

flights. JAL’s767s are configured with various seating arrangements including

252 seats in three classes (5/42/205),261 seats in two classes (42/219),and199

seats in two classes with24 business class suites(24/175).

Guam, TR (GUM) to Seoul (ICN)

Number of flights this summer:668

Jeju Air:209 flights Korean Air:153 flights Jin Air :153 flights T-way Air :153


Another frequent route connects Guam(GUM)to Seoul Incheon(ICN),with668flight s

scheduled this summer.JejuAir operates the most flight s among all,with209one-

way flight s using its174-seater Boeing737-800aircraft featuring12business c las

s recliner seat s(12/162).KoreanAir operates its291-seat Boeing777 -300ERaircraf t,

featuring eight Kosmo suites w ith fully flat First-class bed seat s.The airline o ffer s56seat s i n Prestige clas s an d227i n Economy.JinAir operate sits single-

class Boeing737 -800w ith189seat s.Similarly,T-wayAi roperate sits189-seater Boein g73 7MAX8aircraf t.

Los Angeles(LAX)to Hong Kon g(HKG)

Number offlight s thi ssumm er :74 2CathayPacifi c:43 6flight sunite dAirline s:30 6flight sanotherfrequen troutei sb etwee nLosAngeles(LAX)an dHon gKon g(HKG),wit h74 2flight sschedule dthi ssumm er .Catha yPacifi cop erate s43 6flight sonit sBo ein g77 -300ERaircraf t,o fferin g29 4seat sinfou rc lasse s(SixFirs tClas ssuite s,53Busines sclas ss eat s,34Premiu mEconom y,a nd20 lEconom y).Unite dAirline si sschedule dt oo perat e30 fligh tsthissu mme ronboar dit s25 -seat Bo ein g78 -9D reaml inerai rcraf t,f eaturin g48Polari ss eat(48/39 /14 ).

San Francisco(LAX)to Hon gKon g(HKG)

Numbe roffligh tsth issu mmer :74 Catha yPacifi c:43 fligh tsUnite dAirline s:30 fligh tsAnothe rrouteo Hon gKon gi sfro mSanFrancisc o(SFO),whic hisoperate db yUnite dan dCatha yPacifi can doffe rs74 seat sco mbine d.Catha yo perate sami xofBo ein g77 -300E R(19 fligh )an dt he26 -seate rAirbu sA35 -90 (24 fligh ).Thecarrier ’sA35 -90 flee toffe rst hre eclasse (38/28 /21 ).Unite dAirline si sschedule dt oo perat e30 fligh tsth issu mme ronboar dit s35 -seat Bo ein g77 -300ERai rcraf ,featurin g60Polari ss eat(60/24 /26 ).

NewYor k(JFK)t oToky oHaned a(HND)

Numbe roffligh tsth issu mmer :76 Jap anAirline ():30 fligh AllNippo nAirway )(ANA):30 fligh America nAirline ():15 fligh Thefrequen ttransp acifi croutefro mt heUSeas tcoas tc onnect NewYor kJFKt oToky oHaned a(HND),wit h76 fligh ts schedule dt hissum mer .Jap anAirline so perate sit seate rAirbu sa35 -1000(6 /54 /24 /15 ),ANAo perate sit spassenge rBo ein g77 -300ER,f eaturin geig htKen goKu ma“TheSuite ”(8 /64 /24 /11 ).America nAirl ine sis schedule dt oo perat e15 fligh tst hissum meronbo ard it seate rBo ein g78 -8D reaml inerai rcraf ,featurin g20Supe rDiamo ndsea ts(20 /28 /18 ).

LosAng eles(LAX)t oSeou l(ICN)

Numbe roffligh tsth issu mmer :76 Kore anAi r():30 fligh Asia naAi rlines ():30 fligh Ai rPrem ia():15flig htsAnothe rroutec onnect LosAng eles(LAX)t oSeou l(ICN),wit h76flig hts schedule dt hissum mer.Korea nAi rope rate sit stwolarges tairc raf tt ypesonther oute,t heAi rbusA38 –80 (12flig hts)a ndthe Boein g74 –8(29flig hts).Th eA38 icon figure dwit h40 sete sincl uding1 Kosm oSuit esonma inde ck.T heca rr ier’ s747–8fle eth as36 set swi thsi xKos moSui tes0 wi thsl idingpr ivacy door Asian aAi rl inesal sopera te sita A38 –80 fle etfea tur ing49 set intwoc lass es(78/41 ).Ther ear ebusi nesss uite swit hpri vacyd oor soma inde ec kan dbusi nessc lass fla tbeds eet suppe rd ec k.A irPer miaope rat esita9–9D ream line rf ea turi ngPre mi umEc ono myan dEco nom icsea tsLo san gele )(LAX)t oTok yoHa ned a(H ND )Nu mbe rof fli gh tst hi ss umm er86 Al lNi ppo nA irwa ys( ANA ):3f li gh tsa me ric an Ai rl ine sf li gh ts De ltAa irL ine sf li gh ts Ja pa nA irl ine sf li gh tsA nu mb ero fa irl ine so pe ra te di re ct fli gh tsb et we en Lo sa nge le )( LAX )an dT ok yo Ha ne da )( HND )t hi ss umm er wi tha co mb ine df li gh tsJ ap ane sec ar ri er ANA an dam eri can Ai rl ine so pe ra tet hei rr esp ect ive Bo ein gd rea ml ine ra irc raf ton th is po pu la rr ou te De ltAa irL ine so pe ra te si ts pa ss eng era irb us af ea tu ri ng th re ec ab ins Ja pan ese fla gc ar ri er JA Lo pe ra te si ts se at erb oe in ge rc raf ti nf ou rc la ss es inc lu din ge ig ht JA Ls ui te sf lo ht ai pe ie Nu mb ero ff li gh tsu mm er Ev aA ir st ar lu xa irl ine sc hin aa irl ine sl ax LA Xt ai pe iT PE Ta iw an LA Xt ai pe iT PE ta iw an Ev aA iro pe ra te sb oe in ge rc raf tc hin aa irl ine sh as bo ein gc on fig ur ed w it hs ea ti nt hr ee cl as se sc hin es ec ar ri er op era te sa irb us af lig ht sa irb us se rv ic eo pe ra te db ys ta rl ux ai rl in es fe at ur es se at si nf ou rc la ss es th ea irl in eo ff ers ui te si nt he fi rs tr ow of fe ri ng pr iv ac yd oo rp ar ti ti on sc re en sp er so na lw ar dr ob eh on ol ul uh nl to ky oh an ed ah nd nu mb er of fli gh ts su mm er ha wa ii an ai rl in es ja pa n ai rl in es de lt aa ir lin es al ln ip po na ir wa ys ph ot ogi ng ch en sh ut te rs to ck ru nn er up ho no lu lu hn l ro ut et ok yo ha ne da hn dh as fl ig ht st hi ss um me rh aw ai ia na ir lin es op era te sa ir bu sa co fe at ur in gl ie fl at se at sb us in es sc la ss bo th ja lan op era te rt ok yo ha ne da hn dn um be ro ff li gh tst hi ss um me rev aa ir ch in aa ir lin es st ar lu xa ir lin es un ite da ir lin es ph ot ov inc en zo pa ce si mp le fly in gt op pi ng ou rl is tn um be rs er ve dt ra ns pa ci fi cr ou te st hi ss um me rs an fr an ci sc os fo ta ip ei tp ew it hf li gh ts sc he du le db et we en ma ya nd se pt em be re va ai ro pe ra te sb oe in ge rw it hs ea to ff er in gf li gh tc hi na ai rl in esa nd un ite do pe ra te rt w oc on ne ct in gt wo hu bs st ar lu xo pe ra te sa se at era of fe ri ng lu xu ry su it es re la te dc hi na ai rl in es di ve rs ea ir bu sb oe in gf le et cl os er lo ok ch in aa ir lin es pi vo ta lc on ne ct in gt ai wa nt ot he wo rl dl et sd is co ve rm or ea bo ut th ei rd iv er sef le eta nd wh yi ti sp iv ot al .

Organizations Included in this History
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