Lufthansa noted that the DB’s City Ticket is valid on the day of travel once in each direction for trips to the Express Rail station or from there to the destination of a journey.
ITA Airways Is Now Selling Connecting Deutsche Bahn Train Tickets From Frankfurt Airport
ITA Airways has partnered with GO7 to enable its passengers to book a flight and train ticket on flights to Frankfurt Airport (FRA).
Rising demand
Lufthansa expressed that in recent years, demand for its Lufthansa Express Rail has risen continuously. In 2024, around 500,000 travelers used the service to arrive or leave Frankfurt Airport (FRA), with the integration of the City Ticket only pushing the Lufthansa–DB partnership even further.
“With just one booking step, customers can purchase a combined ticket for train and flight and thus conveniently use the train as a shuttle to Frankfurt Airport from a total of 28 cities in Germany. This means that Lufthansa Express Rail connects more than twice as many cities in Germany as Lufthansa currently serves by air. ”
The latest development is part of Lufthansa’s 20-year partnership with DB, which includes Lufthansa Express Rail. Daily, the airline and railway company offer more than240 Intercity Express (ICE) connections withaLufthansa flight number , similar toa codeshare agreementwithanother carrier .
In November2024 ,Lufthansadetailedthatitaddedfourcitiestofeeder services toFrankfurtAirport(FRA) ,includingAugsburg,Essen,Siegburg/Bonn,and Wolfsburg .
Atthetime,DieterVranckx,theChiefCommercialOfficer(CCO)ofLufthansa Group ,saidthatthegroupwasconstantlyexpandingitscooperationwithDB , offeringitscustomersflexibletraveloptions .
"Withadditionalconnectionsanincreasedfrequencyandmorecomfortwehave madeTheLufthansaExpressRailserviceattractivetomoreandmoreguestsinrecent years "
HoweverVranckxpleadedforanICEconnectionatMunichAirport(MUC)which wouldenablethecompanytoofferevenbettertravelandtransferservicesatthe companysotherhubinGermany
UnitedAirlinesPassengersCanNowExtendTheirTripWithDeutscheBahnTickets Passengerscantraveltoandfrom25citiesinGermanyandBaselonasingleticket viaFrankfurtAiportwiththeGermanrailoperator