Delta will provide operational expertise through its Sustainable Skies Lab to support the commercialization of the BWB airframe technology. This partnership marks Delta's fourth "revolutionary fleet" initiative outlined in its roadmap launched in 2023.
The global airline will also consult on interior design aspects to elevate both customer and employee experiences. The uniquely shaped airframe offers possibilities such as dedicated overhead bin space for each passenger, accessible seats and lavatories, and fewer rows.
"JetZero is working to change the world by bringing to market an aircraft that aims to fly this decade," said Tom O'Leary, JetZero cofounder and CEO. "Delta was one of the first carriers to partner with us, supporting us behind the scenes since 2023. "
The BWB aircraft, first tested by NASA and Stanford University in the1990s, will be capable of using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) while employing today' s engine propulsion systems.
Aircraft manufacturers have made significant advancements in fuel efficiency since passenger jets were introduced; however, more progress is needed rapidly . Delta''s Carbon Council saved over40 million gallons of fuel in2024 through operational efficiencies and fleet modifications.
This U.S.Air Force grant., along with support from partners like Northrop Grumman and Scaled Composites., further validates the BWB design as a viable solution.Major stakeholders including Delta have been informally partnering wit h JetZero since2021 on commercializing this aircraft.
JetZero''s BWB aircraft are expectedto offer several benefits including: p > < p > - Up t o50 % mor e fue l efficienc y tha n conventiona l tube - an d - win g airframes du e t o reduce d dra g an d increase d liftin g surfac e area . < br / > - Capacit y fo r ove r25 0 customer s simila r t o existin g widebod y aircraft . < br / > - Significantly les s nois e wit h engine s mounte d on to p o f th e aircraft . < br / > - Potentia l fit int o existin g airpor t infrastructur e offerin g faste r turn-aroun d times . p > < p > Deltabelieve s i n connectin g peopl et oa mor esustainabl efutur eo ftravel.Th egloba lairlin e''sgoal si toreac hnet-zer oe mission sb y2050focusin gonwha tweflyho ww eflyan dth efuelw eus ewhil emakin gc hange swi thinou rc ontro ltoda yl ik er educin gf uelconsumptio nacros so peration swor kin gl ong-term solution sf ull yd ecarboniz eindustr y p >