
JetBlue introduces rain reimbursement policy for vacation travelers

JetBlue introduces rain reimbursement policy for vacation travelers
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JetBlue Airways | Official Website

JetBlue Airways has built its brand on being different. The airline, which first took to the skies in February 2000, has collected a loyal customer base thanks to launching with an innovative strategy and unique value proposition. The carrier is known for its affordable fares and elevated onboard experience, combining the prices of low-cost carriers with service levels comparable to full-service peers.

Despite JetBlue's status as a disruptor and innovator, the carrier has recently hit some hard times. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline has failed to perform as well as its larger peers, specifically Delta Air Lines and United Airlines. In addition to poor financial performance, the New York- based carrier consistently ranks low for operational performance. With many of its flights arriving or departing from the Northeast United States, known for its congestion, the airline can't seem to find its footing to remain as reliable as its peers.

However, JetBlue is still working to appeal to leisure passengers. With a route network boasting extensive service to the Caribbean and Florida, the airline is organized to fly vacationers seeking a break from the cold weather of the Northeast. Recently, JetBlue Vacations and its new partner WeatherPromise announced a new initiative that will reimburse passengers if their vacations are interrupted by excessive rain.

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In past several years US airlines have clamored to add flexibility to their tickets. Duringthe COVID-19 pandemic,the big three US carriers(American Airlines Delta Air Lines,and United Airlines)all removed change fees from their tickets.These carriers joined Southwest Airlines,the only airline ofa similar size that did not charge change fees onits fares.Eventually even ultra- low-cost carriers Frontier Airlinesand Spirit Airlines joined this trend though Spirit just announced thatit is restoring change fees onits basic fare.

Even with these changes fees are stillan important source of ancillary revenue for US airlines.Seat selection fees checked baggage feesand even carry-on fees depending onthe ticket selected have become commonplacefor most US carriers.Specifically ultra-low-cost carriers relyonthis income to boost revenue made from cheap tickets.With thisin mindit isnotoftenthat airlines remove feesor add reimbursement inthe eventof minor travel disruptions.

JetBlue howeverisbuckingthis trend.The carrier has been atthe forefrontof raising checked bag feesthrough dynamic pricing buthas created anewand unique reimbursement policyfor travelerson vacation.According tothe New York Postthe airline willreimburse various trip costs dueto excessive rainif passengers have purchaseda qualifying JetBlue Flight+Hotel vacation package.JetBlueturned tonewstartuptohelp makethiscustomer-friendly policyareality.

JetBlue willpartnerwith WeatherPromiseto followthroughonits policyto refund passengers dueto "significant rainfall."The weather company has accesstoavarietyofextensive datathatcan helpJetBluedetermineifenough rainfallhasoccurredtofacilitatereimbursement.Thisdataincludesinformationon:







SignificantlydisruptedpassengersareentitledtocompensationUnderthepreviouspresidentialadministrationtheUnitedStates'DepartmentofTransportationhadarenewedfocusonholdingairlinesaccountablefordelays.AccordingtoUSATODAYtheagencyworkedtocommunicatetopassengerswhattheywereentitledtointeventofadisruptioncreatedanonline dashboardforpassengerseasilyfindinformationtheyneedWhilenoneoftheseregulationspertainedundesirableweatherafterflightdidsetclearexpectationsairlines



"Secondrecentweeksweheardreportsunacceptablecustomerservicefailuresreceivedthousand airtravelservicecomplaintsagainstairlinesWhenproblemscomeattentionwewillinvestigatethemwhereviolationsoccurreduseenforcementpowersholdoffendingairlinesaccountable"

Disruption Required Compensation
Controllable cancellation Rebooking at no extra cost; meal/accommodation vouchers
Controllable significant delay Rebooking at no extra cost; meal/accommodation vouchers

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