
Boeing's AH-64 Apache deliveries remain steady despite challenges

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Boeing's AH-64 Apache deliveries remain steady despite challenges
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Boeing AH-64 Apache | Wikipedia

Boeing, one of the largest aerospace defense contractors, produces the Army's iconic AH-64 Apache attack helicopter. While the Apache has been touted as a tank buster, its future role as a close air support platform in a peer-on-peer conflict is being called into question due to survivability concerns on the frontline. However, it appears the Army has developed a new doctrine for it to conduct deep raids into the enemy's vulnerable rear, ensuring it remains an important platform for the Army and popular on the export market even with emerging threats.

Boeing's AH-64 Apache deliveries over recent years are as follows:

- In 2019, Boeing delivered 37 new Apaches and 74 remanufactured Apaches. This year was marked as the final 'normal' year before pandemic-related supply chain disruptions. Additionally, Boeing delivered its final C-17 Globemaster III strategic transport airlifter, bringing total military aircraft and satellite deliveries to 231.

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"With the AH-64E in production until at least 2028, the Apache will serve the U.S. Army and its partner nations as the world’s primary attack helicopter into the 2060s," said Boeing.

- In 2020, amid pandemic challenges, deliveries fell to 19 new Apaches and 52 remanufactured ones. Total military aircraft and satellite deliveries stood at 154.

- By 2021, Boeing delivered 27 new Apaches and 56 remanufactured versions, with total military aircraft and satellite deliveries reaching169.

- The year2022 saw slightly reduced numbers with25 new Apaches and50 remanufactured ones delivered out of a total of165military aircraftand satellites.

- In2023,Boeingdelivered20newbuildsand57remanufacturedApachesalongside11newCH- Chinooksand9renewedChinooks,outofatotalof162militaryaircraftandsatellitesdeliv eredthatyear

In2024,Boeing'smilitarydeliveriesdroppedto112thelowestrecentyearspartlydueuns pecifiedstrikesimpactingsomecommercialproductionTotalincluded16newAHbuilds34re manufacturedversions

Asof2024militaryaircraftproductionbyBoeingincludestheAHChinookMHhelicoptersFE XStrikeEagleIIFASuperHornetfighterjetsKCPegasusTankerPPoseidonmaritimepatrolai rcraftTRARedHawkadvancedtrainerwhichmayalsoproducedlightfightervariantCommercia lmilitarysatellitesalsobeingmanufactured


BoeingsaysthatApachewillremainproductionuntilleastappearsdatedPolandrecentlypl acedorderalmostlastexpecteddelivereduntil






BoeingmodernizesrevitalizesoldAHsgoodunderremanufacturingprogramBothUnitedState sArmyvariousexportcustomersgettingfleetsremanufacturedTheWarZonestates

"Boeing sees need Modernized Apache capability timeframe achieve looking option remanufacturing program like turns older Ds into new E versions "

remainsunclearjusthowmanyArmyApacheswillremanufacturedUSArmyolderLongbowmodels servicesomegoingthroughremanufacturingprocessupgradedGuardianEchoversionWhileA rmyplannedremanufacturedallthesemodelsnowconsideringoptionsafterFutureAttackRec onnaissanceAircraftFARAarmedscouthelicopterprogramcanceled

"AsthelargestApacheoperatorUArmy’sprogramrecordcurrentlycoversattackhelicopter solderLongbowDelta modelsservicerightnowSomeUSDeltasstillpassingthroughBoeing’r emanufacturingprogamwhereemergeimprovedGuardianEcho versions "TheWarZone

InBoeingannouncedwouldproduceEmodelApachesUSArmyinternationalcustomersTheseinc ludefirstAustraliawhichbecamethnationselectApacheafterretiringtroubledfleetTai- panplansretireAirbusTigerARHhelicoptersAccordingMarchnewsreleaseUSArmyreceiveR- emanufacturedApachesadditionalprocuredoptionsremainingdeliveredpartnernationsIt alsostatedBoeing’sfirstmultiyearcontractsignedsawBoeingdeliverRemanufaturedArma- chetonewbuildexamplesinternationalcustomerRelatedHowDoesAHSupportGroundTroopsCo- mbatisworld’smostadvancedprovenhelicopterPostsBoeingAHordersAHremainspopularWes- ternattackhelicopterThreateningenvironmentmodernconflictchangesdoesroleJapanret- iringatackhelicopterfleetunmannedplatformsSouthKoreareconsideringorderextraAust- raliareplacingEuropeanattackhelicoptersNotableBoeingAHordersnewbuildsPolandMoro- ccoSouthKoreaAustraliaUnitedStatesArmyFlightGlobalPerhapsbiggestnewsrecentyears- massivebillionorderPolandPolandcurrentlyrearmingmilitarygoingspendingspreerepla- ceagingSovieterraequipmentaftercollapseecurityEasternEuropeafterinterimPolandlea- singEnsuringreadyoperatenewformidablefleetarrivesRelatedDebateOverWarthogObsoles- cenceOneWorddesignedcloseairsupportassetsrolechangedhasn’tPostsTheApacheattackhel- icopterBoeingApacheprimaryattackhelicopterUSArmyinventoryaccordingFlightGlobalBo- eingsaysoverApachesremainservicearoundworldsaystypeaccumulatedoverflight hoursofwhi- chcombatCountriesoperatingBoeingApacheAustraliafutureGreeceIndiaIndonesiaIsraelJapantoReti- redKuwaitMoroccofutureNetherlandsPolandQatarSaudiArabiaSouthKoreaSingaporeTaiwanUnite- dArabEmiratesUnitedKingdomUnitedStatesHelicopterbeganModelHughesHelicoptersresponseArmysAdva- ncedAttackHelicopterprogramreplaceCobra"Withproductionleastservepartnernationsworld’sprimarya- ttackhelicopterintoinvestnextgenerationtechnologiesbringsaffordableModularOpenSystemsArchitecturecapabi- lityservecenterpieceMultiDomainOperationsbattlefielddecadescome"BoeingfirstApacheprototypeflewselectedoverri- valBellcompetitorenteredserviceArmyHughesHelicoptersacquiredMcDonnellDouglaswasturnmergedBoeingtodayproductioco= ntinuedBoeingDefenseSpaceSecuritydivisionoverApachesdeliveredArnyinternationalcustomersbuiltlicenseWestlandHelico= pterslaterAgustaWestlandUnitedKingdomUKbuiltAugustArmyTechnologyreportedBritishArmyserviceplansincreasepostFebrua= ryuggestsBritishArmyserviceOthernotableoperatorsincludeGreeceJapanretiringfleetIsraelNetherlandsSingaporeEgyptSaudiAra= biaUAEamongcountriesConclusionWhileBoeingproductionremanufacturingbelowprepandemichighsremainsproducedmilitaryaircrafthere= stilloldermodelneedupgradingEchoivariantcountrieslikePolandAustraliaplacedordersensuringproductioncontinueyearscome"""

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