While little is known about how Wood spends his wealth besides philanthropic endeavors, he owns a Gulfstream private jet. Registered as N600TX, this G600 model from the Gulfstream GVII series was manufactured in 2021. It is owned by Kennedy Rd LLC with an address in Palo Alto, California, where Wood resides. The jet's recent flight on March 6th traveled from San Jose to Kahului, Hawaii.
The Gulfstream G600 features advanced engineering with two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW815GA engines capable of using Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). The aircraft made history by completing the first transatlantic flight using full SAF.
Inside, the cabin offers four customizable living areas that can host up to 19 passengers or sleep ten comfortably. Standard features include fourteen large panoramic oval windows and an interior finished with fine woods and textiles.
The flight deck incorporates innovative technology such as Active Control Side-
Sticks developed by BAE and Honeywell's Symmetry avionics system presented through multiple touchscreen displays. These enhancements allow for greater situational awareness while enabling authorized pilots to land in low-
visibility conditions safely.
Gulfstream announced in late-2024 that over130 examples of the G600 had been delivered since its first flightin2016.This "mid-market" plane retains muchof Gulfstream's high-end design elements while offering cost-effective solutions like reduced engine noise levels averaging around45 decibels inside the cabin.
"...allows authorized pilots to land without natural vision in low-visibility conditions," said Gulfstream about their Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS),which increases access to airports and reduces go-arounds.
TheG600hasarangeonly400nm shorter thanits predecessor,theG650,makingitidealfor those seeking similar capabilities without paying premium prices.AsAnthonyWood continues leadingRokuInc.,hisownershipofaGulfstreamG600reflectsapracticalapproachto luxurytravel,a sentiment sharedby manybusinessleaders today.