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American Eagle flight diverts to Richmond due to maintenance issue
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American Eagle Embraer ERJ-145 | Wikimedia

A Charlotte-bound American Eagle Embraer ERJ-145 experienced a "possible maintenance issue," leading to its diversion to Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday. The flight had departed from Newport News and altered its course less than ten minutes into the journey.

Piedmont Airlines, a subsidiary of American Airlines and operator of the aircraft, temporarily removed the regional jet from service for inspections. It returned to operation on Monday.

Charlotte local NBC affiliate WCNC reported that the flight in question was PDT5852. According to Flightradar24 data, the aircraft involved was N942LL. It departed gate B3 at Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport (PHF) punctually at 11:28 and taxied to Runway 25. By 11:50, the ERJ-145 was airborne.

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The plane quickly gained altitude and speed, reaching 5,000 feet just two minutes after takeoff. Upon departure, it turned northwest and flew over James River. By 11:55, it was traveling at approximately 270 knots and climbing through 10,500 feet. About a minute later, the plane turned west toward Interstate 95 north of Petersburg.

Once it reached 12,000 feet, its climb slowed significantly but continued gradually before halting around15 ,000 feet by11 :58.The aircraft then began a gradual descentto14 ,000feet

"Safely and without incident"

As it flew south of Richmond,theERJ -145descendedfurther.Instead ofturning southtowardCharlotte,it tookasharpturnnortharound11 :05.EastofRichmond,theplane continueditsdescent.By11 :13,itlinedupforfinalapproachatRichmondInternationalAirport(RIC).N942LLlandedsafelyonRunway16at11 :17.

A Piedmont spokesperson confirmedtheincidentinastatementtoSimpleFlyingonTuesday:

"AmericanEagleflight5852 operatedbyPiedmontAirlines withservicefromNewportNewsVa(PHF)toCharlottedivertedtoRichmondVa(RIC)duetoapossiblemaintenanceissueTheflightlandedsafelyandwithoutincidentatRICandtheaircraftwastakenoutofservicetobeinspectedbyourmaintenanceteamWeneverwanttodisruptourcustomerstravelplansandweapologizefortheinconvenience"

There were47passengersonboardandthreecrewmembersNoinjurieswerereportedPiedmonthadanotherERJ -145inRichmondthatcouldbedispatchedtocontinuetheflightN672AEarrivedfromChicagoOHareInternationalAirport(ORD)onSaturdayat23 :00

Whileit isunclearwhichflighttheaircraftwasoriginallyscheduledtooperateitworkedasaviablereplacementAfterdepartingaround14 :40andflyingforaboutanhourN672AEtoucheddownatCharlotteDouglasInternationalAirport(CLT)at15 :49ItarrivedatitsConcourseEgate shortlythereafterTheordealresultedinadelayofaboutthreehoursasPDT5852wasoriginallyscheduledtoarrivearound12 :45


TheextentofmaintenancecomplicationsN942LLsufferedisunclearAccording toch -aviationtheregionaljetisa19-year-oldairframeThepossibleissueappearedtobeminorasthereturnedtotheskiesnearly24hoursafterlandinginRichmondDatashowsitwasferriedtoPhiladelphiaInternationalAirport(PHL)onMondayasPDT9978TheplanedepartedfromRICat11 :41andflewforashort36minutesAfterlandingat12 :17ittaxiedtogateF30wheredepartedjust42minuteslaterasPDT5938toBangorMainewentontoperatefourotherlegsvisitingWilmingtonNorthCarolinaBangoronce moreSince deliveryin2005N942LLhassolelybeenoperatedbyAmericanaffiliatesunderAmericanEagleregionalbrandIn2014brieflyEnvoyAir-anothersubsidiaryPiedmonttookoveroperatingownership2023

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