
Delta Air Lines adds new Hawaii route from Salt Lake City

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Delta Air Lines adds new Hawaii route from Salt Lake City
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Danyal Ahmed Credit card writer | The Points Guy

Delta Air Lines is adding a 17th route from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii this coming winter, connecting its Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) hub with a new Hawaiian island.

This December, Delta will launch new nonstop service from SLC to Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole (KOA) on the Big Island. The flights will commence in time for the holiday season and run through the winter months.

Additionally, Delta will deploy bigger jets and more weekly flights on several other Hawaii routes next winter, particularly during the peak holiday season, the carrier announced Friday.

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Altogether, these changes mean new opportunities for travelers, including those with Delta SkyMiles, to visit Hawaii when colder weather hits much of the country.

Delta's newest Hawaii route from Salt Lake City will begin on Dec. 19, as announced by the Atlanta-based carrier. The airline will operate its Kona route using a Boeing 767-300ER through March 28, 2026. Currently, there are no plans to use Boeing 767s equipped with Premium Select recliners on this route.

This marks Delta's third Kona route; it already connects to Hawaii Island via Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) hubs.

For Salt Lake City travelers, Kona will be Delta's third Hawaiian destination from this airport. Delta already offers flights from Utah to Honolulu and Maui.

It was anticipated that there would be modest growth for Delta at its Salt Lake City hub in2025. According to aviation analytics firm Cirium data reports , total departures duringthe first half of theyear were set torise nearly5% overlast year .

Later this year,a newDelta Sky Clubis plannedto openinSaltLakeCity whichwillbeamongthebiggestintheentireloungenetwork .

Kona boasts numerous top-notch hotels includingthe recentlyrebornKonaVillage,A Rosewood Resort .

Beyond thenewSLC-KOAroute,DeltaisbolsteringitsexistingHawaiiservice .

Thisfall,theairlinewillgetajump-startonitswintertimeseasonalservicefromHartsfield-JacksonAtlantaInternationalAirport(ATL)toMaui'sKahuluiAirport(OGG).BeginningNov .6,DeltawillflytheroutewithanAirbusA330-300aircraft .

It'llalsoaddaseconddailyflighttoitsATLservicetoDanielK.InouyeInternationalAirport(HNL)inHonolulubetweenDec .19andJan .5,duringthepeakholidayseason .

ThecarrierwillgetanearlyjumponitsSaltLakeCityflightstoMauiaswell--startingOct .6,tobeexact--andaddaseconddailyflightduringtheholidays,to o.Finally,DeltaplanstoswapinabiggerplanetocarrymorepassengerstoHNLviaitsMinneapolis-St.PaulInternationalAirport(MSP)hubduringthewintermonths.BetweenNov .6andMarch28,thecarrier's282-seatAirbusA330-300willmakeanappearanceinsteadoftheBoeing767-300ERwhichfeaturesupto226seatsdependingonthecabinconfiguration.Delta'sA330-300shaveafour-cabinlayoutwithDeltaOnelie-flatsuitesplusPremiumSelectandComfortPlussections.Relatedreading:Savemoney:HowyoucanbookflightstoHawaiiusingpointsandmilesDeltaMedallionstatus:WhatitishowtoearnitMaximizeyourairfare:ThebestcreditcardsforbookingflightsThebestcreditcardstoreachelitestatusDeltabasiceconomy:Whatyouneedtoknowaboutbagsseatsboardingmore ###

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