According to data compiled by AirHelp as part of its study, 27% of passengers on UK routes faced some form of operational disruption over winter. For most customers, compensation eligibility only applies once a delay exceeds three hours; still, around 508,000 passengers met this threshold.
Delays are one concern but cancellations pose different challenges altogether. According to findings from AirHelp's study,"some "1.3 million passengers had their flights canceled during th e winter months," w ith .6% o f December flights being canceled . his figure rose slightly in January t o .7% before stabilizing at .2% in February .
Heathrow t o Accra
op o f he l ist i n terms o f m ost d isrupted K r outes w as he i ntercontinental c orridor f rom L ondon H eathrow L R t o K otoka I nternational A irport C C w hich s erves A ccra G hana B ritish A irways b eing s ole o perator a ccording A irhelp s ome % p assengers f aced s ome f orm o f o perational d isruption C irium d ata s hows B ritish A irways p resently s erves d aily b asis u sing A irbus A services h ave f ollowing t imes A London H eathrow T erminal - A ccra T erminal s ix h ours m inutes A ccra T erminal - London H eathrow T erminal s ix h ours m inutes V irgin tlantic ad nnounced tarting ercing ay elayed ue ngine vailability ssues oeing
Heathrow t o Colombo
econd ost isrupted oute onghaul orridor andaranaike nternational irport MB ocated utside olombo ri anka ccording irhelp ata olombo ace isruption riLankan irlines nly arrier erving nonstop asi aily using irbus leaving olombo cheduled lock ime ours rrival ondon imed eturn eght eparting erminal ondon eathrow vernight light horter lanned lock ime ours rrival ack olombo cheduled ext ay
Stansted t o Zagreb
hird ist urbed oute horthau erv ice ranjo Tu man Ai rport AG roatia ccord ing Ai rhel urvey assengers ly ing etween ac il ity aceg isrupt ion owcost carr ier yanair ole ai rl ine erv ing out enstop as is cur rently ore han aily verage ligh ts cheduled orr idor irec tion pr il oe pera ted yanai rsel fing udget ian oeng ema in ing pera ted irbus Lauda urope
The other end of the scale
AirHelp's survey also highlighted better performers regarding efficiency among major routes departing K airports inter mong est ch ievers tansted mi rates oute ub uba i nternat iona l Ai rport X ord ing Ai rel p assengers ly ing oute eparte ime ur ing inter onths indings howed assengers eparte ime hen ly ing rit ish Ai rways onghaul oute ain ub ondon Heath row Ai rport Galeao Anto nio arlos ob im nternat iona l IG erves raz il ian ity io ane iro idebody car rier pera tes oe ing id ebod y tw in jets oute enstop ai ly ex t ends onward in ist ro istar ini nternat iona l Ai rport ZE uenos ires
C lose beh ind ese wo ou tes cor ridor etween ondon atwick GW stanbu l Ai rport ST ata omp iled art perat iona l ff ic iency ajor outes epart ing K ai rports owed assengers ly ing orr idor ver inter eparte ime resent ly erv ed enstop as is urk ish Ai rl ines izz ai respec t ive ly ff er ing round rip oute pr il urk ish Ai rl ines ses Eu ropean id ebod y tw in jets erve nonstop oute us ing ea t ai rcraf con figu red us iness lass latbeds conom y lass eats