
Cessna Citation X: History's fastest business jet

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Cessna Citation X: History's fastest business jet
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Cessna Citation X | Wikipedia

Companies in the world of aviation are always trying to one-up each other and make the best and fastest airplanes in their markets. Cessna once held one of the most coveted aviation records, the fastest business jet, with the Cessna Citation X. The Citation X was once the fastest business jet in the skies, only recently having been beaten out by its competitors after it ceased production in the late 2010s. It was the premier aircraft offered by Cessna, then owned by Textron Aviation of Textron Inc., and has become one of the most popular business jets of all time. Here is everything you need to know about the Cessna Citation X and how it flew faster than the competition.

How the Citation X was born

Cessna, as one of the most storied aviation companies in history, had long maintained its independence until it was bought briefly by General Dynamics in the mid-1980s, then by Textron Inc. in 1992. It was during this transition period for Cessna that "the idea of th eCitation X was first created." The Citation X, under th eModel750 name,"was first announced to th eworld at NBAA in 1990,"with its first flight taking off in1993."TheCitationX would eventually be certified by Textron Aviation under th eCessnabrand in Mayof1996,"and would begin deliveries shortly after that as "thefastest business jet ever developed and certified."

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The design of th eCitationX

Shared components

TheCitationX differed from them any Citation jets that Cessnahad already designed before it,"butit also borrowed some concepts from those past designs."For instance,"thecockpit,"as well as "thecabin cross-section,"were borrowed from "thealready certifiedCessnaCitationIIIand were integrated into "thedesignofth eCitationX."This allowed forTextronAviationengineers to reduce overall costs of"theprogramas carry-over designs."Thecockpitand cabinis whereth esimilarities would endfor th eCitationX,"with them ajorityof thenewdesign goingtooptimize"theaircraftforhigh speedsitwas settoachieve.

Innovations inthedesignofth eCitationX

Th eCitationX wassetto cruise ata topspeedofMach0 .92(613 knots/706 milesperhour),"andwouldneedtohavesomedesignimprovementstoitsairframefrompreviousgenerationsofCitationaircrafttoallowforsuchhighspeeds.TheprimaryinnovationwasthewingoftheCitationX;thenewwingwouldhaveaveryhighsweepangle(theangleoftheleadingedgeofthewing,measuredperpendiculartothefuselageoftheaircraft),measuring37degrees.Thishighsweepangle,usuallyreservedforhigh-performancejets,likemilitaryfighters,allowedtheCitationXtoachieveitsMach0 .92speedswithrelativeefficiencythatmorestraightsweptwingswouldnotallowfor.


TheCitationXutilizeditshighwingsweepwithtwopowerfulengines,theRolls-Royce3007Cturbo fanengines.TheseenginesinstalledontheCitationXe achproduceamaximum thrustof6 ,442lbf(28 .66kN)anda remountedonthesidesoftheaftfuselage.The3007CRolls-RoyceengineswereactuallythefirsttimeCessna(andTextronAviation)hadusedaRolls-Royceengineontheiraircraft.TheCitationXrequiredsuchpowerfulengin essothatitcouldcruiseatitsmaximumMach0 .92speed.ThemaximumcruisingaltitudeoftheCi tationXwas51 ,000feet(15 ,545m),muchhigherthanatypicalairlinerwouldflyat,andth em aximumrangeofthea ircraftwas3 ,460nauticalmiles(3 ,982statutemiles/6 ,408km).Thefirst172Ci tationXa irplaneshadthe3007Cenginesinstalled.Howev er,the173rdCi tationXandonhadaslightlybetterversionoftheturbo fanengineinstalled,theRoll s-Royce3007C1.Improved3007C1engin escouldproduceev enmorethrust,e achwithamaximumpoweroutputratingof6 ,764lbf(30 .09kN).

InsideaCi tationX

A ttimeofproduction,theCi tationXwa sthelargestai rcraftthatwa smanufacturedbyTex tronAv iationunderCe ssnabrand.Highsw eepwing shadatotalwidth63 .6ft(19 .39m)fromtiptotipov erallengthai rcraftwa s73 .53ft(22 .04m)Ci tationXt ypicallyconfiguredholdtw opilotsuptotwelv epassengersFur thermoreCi tationXa dglasscockpitpow eredHoneywellPrimus2000av ionicssy stemCost sowningaCi tationXhighspeedsluxuryinteriordoesnotcomec heapanyonepurchaseAsCe ssnaCeasedproductiononlyusedai rframesav ailablepurchasemarketAccordingLibertyJetminimumpurchasepriceCi tat ionXi s275millioncangohigh6milliondependingcondi tionnumbertotalflighthoursLibertyJetshowstotal27unitscurrentlyforsaleusedbusinessjetmarketCost sowningbusinessjetdon tendjustpurchasepricethoughTherearemanyaddi ti onalcostsassoc iatedowningbusinessjetCe ss naxdifferentLibertyJetestimateswhil eflying200hoursperyearcommonflighthourtotalrequi rearound12milliontotaloperatingcostsPrimarycostsofw nershipcomefuelnationalaverageJetAfuelhov eringarou nd723perUSgal200hoursflighttimerequiresapproximatel y423000fuelcostsaloneNextbiggestcostoperatingtotalcrewcostminimumtw opersonrequiredcrewcosttingapproximatel y243000peryearaloneincludingnecessarygroundpersonnelanyotheraddi ti onalinflightcrewLastl ythirdbiggestexpenseengi neov erhaulaiframe maintenanceeachrequiringapproximatel y145000130000peryearrespectiv elyOtheroperatingcostsassoc iatedCI tat ionXt hesewerjustthreelargestHowCI tat ionXBrokeRecordsCI tat ionXFas testBusinessJetWorldFirstProducedBeforeCertifi cati onAircraftManyFlig htTestsGoingThroughVerifi cati onFAA Mach092TopSpeedWouldBeenVerifi edFlightTestingInstrumentati onInstalledThroughoutTestArti cleAircraftPhotoQuitni9WikimediaCommonsCI tat ionXD idSomeIssuesDuri ngCert ifi cati onManyProblemsDel ayi ngProgramPastIntendedTargetDateEngi nesAddi ti onalTesti ngIntegrati ngNewRollsRoy ceAv i oni csSy stemsReduc ingSoundLev elsPowerfulThroughoutInteri orCabinLos ingRecordFastestBus inessJetDiscuss ionsSurround ingSpeedRecordAllPastTenseRel ati onArt ic leThatsBecauseLostBack2010GulfstreamG650BecameOfferedTopMach0925617Kn ots710Mi lesHourThoughG650OnlyHoldBrie fTi meCert ifi edImprovedModelIntoImprovedEng inesHigher7042Lbf313kNForceOnceAg ai nKi ngSk iesRemainEv entuallyJo inedOtherAi rcraftGulfstreamG700EventuallyBombardierGlobal8000Wi llFastestBecomesMax imumMach094627Kn ots721Mi lesHourSaidComm unitySt illHoldFavor iteSi nceBrokeBarrierFi rstEvenCompet itorsCont inueAmongTi meRela tedFastestGulfstreamJetNewlyCert ifi edSurpassedPrev iousTermsSpe edPosts

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