Bank of America across from Amazon’s HQ2 in Arlington, Virginia, was robbed on Monday morning. The getaway plan was unique: the suspect fled in a taxi, which took them to National Airport.
The robbery occurred around 11:30 a.m. at the Bank of America branch located at 1425 S. Eads Street, directly across from Amazon’s HQ2. Initial reports suggest that a heavy-set, possibly middle-aged man passed a note to a teller and fled with cash, hopping into a cab that then headed to nearby Reagan National Airport.
"Maybe this is the dumbest criminal ever? You never get much in a bank robbery anymore. And you’re going to be tracked," said an observer familiar with security protocols. "This robber drove straight to one of the places with more law enforcement on site than you’ll find anywhere else even in Washington, D.C.. In addition to police nearly every three-letter agency is represented at an airport. There are ID checks, passenger manifests, and security checkpoints."