President Biden has been working to increase the power of union officials, including those from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). This effort has led to allegations that UFCW officials are improperly funneling employee money into union Political Action Committees (PACs).
In states without Right to Work laws, union bosses can legally demand dues or fees from workers as a condition of employment. However, recent cases involving Kroger employees Roger Cornett in Detroit, Michigan, and James Carroll in Fairfield, Ohio, suggest that some union officials may be overstepping these legal boundaries.
Cornett and Carroll have filed charges with the National Right to Work Foundation against Kroger and UFCW. They allege that UFCW officials demanded they agree to formal union membership and pay full union dues to keep their jobs—actions prohibited by longstanding Supreme Court rulings even in non-Right to Work states.