The United States Space Force (USSF), the youngest branch of the US armed forces, marked its fifth anniversary on December 20, 2024. Established in 2019, the Space Force was created as a separate entity from the US Air Force and has grown to include nearly 10,000 service members known as Guardians. The branch is dedicated to protecting America's interests in space and enhancing national defense capabilities through space power.
The creation of the Space Force signified a significant shift in how the United States approaches space as a domain of warfare. It was established to unify and streamline space operations under a dedicated command structure. This move allowed for better management and protection of space assets while ensuring readiness against emerging threats.
General B. Chance Saltzman highlighted the rapid growth of the Space Force: "On average, we have tripled in size every year for the last five years in personnel, an astounding growth rate for any government organization. We have reimagined operations, redefined policies [and] reworked processes from the ground up to forge a service purpose-built for great power competition."