Kid Rock, an acclaimed American musician, known for his work as a singer, rapper, and songwriter, has made significant strides in the music industry since the late 1980s. Born Robert James Ritchie on January 17, 1971, Kid Rock developed an early interest in hip-hop and eventually ventured into rock and country music genres. His career achievements include several best-selling songs like "Picture" and "All Summer Long," leading to two Grammy Award nominations.
With a net worth exceeding $150 million due to his successful career, Kid Rock has chosen to own a Bombardier Challenger 600 business jet for his frequent travels. This private jet offers him the flexibility of choosing departure times and landing at smaller airports closer to destinations—a convenience necessary for his busy schedule of performances across various cities.
The Bombardier Challenger 600 is currently registered under N71KR with Lost Highway Touring Inc., where Kid Rock serves as President. According to Celebrity Private Jet Tracker, this aircraft conducted approximately 170 flights in 2024 alone.