Quebec City has seen changes since losing Air Transat's London Gatwick link in August2024; however, increased services by the Canadian leisure carrier to Paris CDG have resulted in more European flights this summer.
Here are the details for each airport:
- **Saint Pierre:** Air Saint Pierre operates weekly flights between June24 and September9.
- **Hamilton:** PLAY Airlines ends its service on April22.
- **Fort Myers:** Discover Airlines flies twice-weekly from Frankfurt.
- **Anchorage:** Condor operates mainly thrice-weekly from May17-September13; Discover flies twice-weekly between June4-September20.
- **St Louis:** Lufthansa operates three weekly flights from Frankfurt.
- **Indianapolis:** Aer Lingus begins a new route with four weekly flights starting May3.
- **New Orleans:** British Airways operates five weekly flights plus an additional flight on March30.
- **Edmonton:** KLM flies four to five times weekly from Amsterdam.
-**St John's:" WestJet resumes routes starting May22
"Cleveland:" Aer Lingus operates four to five weekly flights
Significant changes are observed compared to summer2024. WestJet's new and returning routes have doubled St John's European flight numbers (+123%). While it remains amongthe bottom ten list,it has risen significantly.Meanwhile,Cleveland''sflights have increased by44%,potentially movingit outofthislistsoon.Hamilton enters temporarily due tothePLAYpullout,resultinginminimalflights.ThecitylasthadservicewithNorwegianfromDublinin2019IndianapolisfeaturesduetoAerLingus'brand-newrouteThecitylasthadEuropeanservicewithDeltaAirLinestoParisCDGhubin2020TwoairportsarenolongerinthislistnotbecauseofgrowthbutlossoftheironlyEuropeanroutesCondorceasedflyingfromFrankfurttoSanAntonioTexascitylostitslonghaulwidebodyoperationithad60loadfactorAzoresAirlinesceasedflyingtoOaklandlastflightTerceiraSeptember2024TAPAirPortugalcommenceLisbonTerceiraSanFranciscoflightsJune2025becomingcarriernewlongestrouteonestopsincluded