The first-ever Reagan-San Antonio flight occurred on Sunday, March 2. According to Flightradar24, a 190-seat, ex-US Airways A321ceo operated the inaugural roundtrip. This high-capacity aircraft helps mitigate Reagan's capacity-
The schedule is as follows (all times local):
- Reagan to San Antonio: AA1947, 19:45-22:49
- San Antonio to Reagan: AA1718, 06:35-10:37
Despite being the inaugural service, AA1947 departed Reagan at 21:35 with a delay of one hour and fifty minutes due to late arrival from Miami.
"It was a big unserved market," said data from the U.S. Department of Transportation indicating that approximately1340 passengers flew roundtrip between Reagan and San Antonio in the twelve months leading up to September . With no nonstop flights available previously everyone had tmakestopovers enroute."Reagan wassanantonioslargestunservedmarket MeanwhileTexas city was Reagans second largestunservedmarket afterSan Diego which getsnonstopflights later thismonth"
"Since there were no nonstop flights," reported DOT data showing Southwest carried mostSanAntonio Reagontraffic primarily viaDallas Love its fifthbusiest airport basedonMarchflights Somepassengers nodoubt remained onboardas they continuedtoReagon Americanwasthenextlargestcarrierwithmostpeopleconnectingatits hugeDallasFortWorthhubCharlottecloselyfollowed DeltaadistantthirdwithnearlyeveryoneflyingviaAtlantaDetroitUnitedfourthwithmosttravelersconnectinginHoustonIntercontinental"
"Greater DCtoSanAntoniohasairlinesWhenBaltimoreDullesincludedSanAntoniohaspointtopointpassengersdailyEachwayAmericansbrandnewroutemeanstheoverallmarkethasairlinesOneworldmemberjoinsSouthwestfromBaltimoremainlydoubledailyinMarchUnitedfromDullesdoubledailybuttripledailyfromMarch"