The low-cost airline has reportedly added 28 new domestic routes across the US in a major reshuffle of its existing network as it prepares for the summer 2025 season. The reported network expansion news comes amid its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and significant losses revealed in its full-year financial report for 2024.
According to the report, most of the new routes will launch from Raleigh/Durham (RDU), Nashville (BNA), and Indianapolis (IND), starting in the first half of May 2025. Here is Spirit’s complete list of new routes, as per Ishriom Aviation:
Raleigh/Durham International Airport (RDU)
Baltimore (BWI)
Detroit (DTW)
Newark (EWR)
New Orleans (MSY)
Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)
Nashville International Airport (BNA)
Milwaukee (MKE)
Kansas City (MCI)
San Antonio (SAT)
Chicago O'Hare (ORD)
Baltimore (BWI)
Myrtle Beach (MYR)
Cleveland (CLE)
Indianapolis International Airport (IND)
Los Angeles (LAX)
Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)
Charlotte (CLT)
Detroit (DTW)
San Antonio (SAT)
Memphis (MEM)
Charlotte(CL T)
Baltimore(BWI )
Chicago O'Hare(O RD )
Charlotte(CL T )
New York LaGuardia airport(L GA )
Richmond(R IC )
Norfolk(O RF )
< p > Philadelphia(P HL ) p > < p > Charlotte(C LT ) p > < p > Latrobe(L BE ) p > < p > Fort Lauderdale(F LL ) p > < p > Los Angeles(L AX ) p > < p > Milwaukee(M KE ) p > < p > Dallas Fort Worth(D FW ) p > < p > Louisville(S DF ) p > < p > Atlanta(A TL ) p > < p > Louisville(S DF) < p > Newark(E WR) Simultaneously,the budget airline is reportedly discontinuing service to five destinations across and outside the US, including Aguadilla(B QN) in Puerto Rico,Ponce(P SE) in Puerto Rico,Puerto Vallarta(P VR)in Mexico,L os Cabos(S JD)in Mexico,and Manchester,N H(M HT)in United States. Spirit has been adding new routes recently.On March6 ,2025,the airline announced a nonstop route connecting San Antonio and San Juan,Puerto Rico,a spartofits ongoing expansion atTexas airport.Earlier,onMarch5 ,2025,S pirintroducednewnonstopservicesfromChattanooga,T ennessee,andColumbia,S outhCarolina,furtherhighlightingitscontinuedgrowthintheS outheasternUS. RelatedSpiritAirlinesAdds6RoutesWithNewServiceFromChattanooga&ColumbiaSpiritAirlinesisexpandingwithnewnonstopflightsfromChattanoogaandColumbiatoFortLauderdale,N e wark,andOrlando,startinginJune2025. Posts4SpiritAirlinesisanall-Airbusoperatorwithafleetof213aircraftaccordingtoch-aviationdata.Thefleetconsistsof91A irbusA320neos63A irbusA320-200s30A irbusA321neosand29A irbusA321-200narrowbodies.Additionallythebudgetcarrierisawaitingdeliveriesof34A321neosand25A320neoswhicharesettoreplaceanagingfleetofolderA320familyaircraft.Significantlossesin2024ThereportednewsregardingthenetworkexpansioncomesamidthecarriersChapter11bankruptcyproceedingsandsignificantlossesrevealedinitssfullyearfinancialreportfor2024PhotoC eriBreezeShutterstockWhiletheairlinehasexpressedconfidenceinitspostbankruptcyplanwhichincludesfocusingonthegrowingpremiumleisuremarketasastandalonecompanyfollowingtworejectionsofFrontierAirlinesmergerproposalsSpiritAirlinesended2024withanetlossof12billionThecompanysmanagementattributedthepretaxlossof128billiontohigheroperatingexpensesincludingassetdisposallossesaircraftrentalcostsandincreasedsalarieswagesbenefitsexpensescomparedtothepreviousyearRelatedSpiritAirlinesReports12BillionLossFor2024WithPlansForRecoveryWhileitscostsincreasedSpiritAIrlinesrevenuescontractedduetotheairlinereducingitscapacitythroughout2024Posts6