
Chicago airports prepare for over three million spring break travelers

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Chicago airports prepare for over three million spring break travelers
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The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) anticipates more than 3.36 million travelers at O’Hare and Midway International Airports between Thursday, March 20, and Monday, March 31, according to preliminary airline projections. This historically busy travel period includes the peak spring break vacation window for students across Chicago Public Schools. Overall, the total number of spring break travelers going through both airports is expected to be 4% higher than the same period in 2024.

“As a global hub, Chicago is proud to welcome millions of travelers each year, connecting them to the greatest city in the world and beyond,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “With the spring break travel season upon us, O’Hare and Midway are fully prepared to provide a seamless, efficient, and welcoming experience for all passengers. ”

“Chicago’s airports are ready to welcome travelers this spring break with world-class amenities, dedicated staff, and enhanced services,” said Commissioner Jamie L. Rhee. “Whether passengers are departing, arriving, or connecting, they can expect a streamlined and enjoyable travel experience at O’Hare and Midway. ”

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O’Hare is expected to see a 7.1% increase in passengers from 2024’s spring break travel period. Friday, March 21, is projected to be O’Hare’s busiest day, with more than 279,000 passengers expected to pass through its terminals. Midway’s peak is anticipated on Saturday, March 29, with over 56,000 passengers projected.

Visitors and residents traveling through Chicago’s airports are reminded of several key points:

Preventing Traffic Congestion

- Cell Phone Lots are free at both airports. Avoid circling the terminals—use designated waiting areas until arriving passengers are ready for pickup. The O’Hare Cell Phone Lot is at 560 N. Bessie Coleman Drive; Midway’s is at West 61st Street and South Cicero Avenue.

- Kiss n’ Fly drop-offs allow for quicker curbside access. At Midway, drop-off is at West 59th Street and South Kilpatrick Avenue; O’Hare passengers can be dropped off at the Multi-Modal Facility (MMF) at10255 W.Zemke Blvd.and boardthe Airport Transit System(ATS)for aquick ride toal lterminals.

- Public transit options include:

- CTA Blue Line offers24/7 servicetoO'Hare whileCTA Orange LineservicesMidwa ystartingat4a.m.bothofferfrequentfastservicehelpingpassengersavoidcurbsidecrow dsreducingcongestionintheprocess.

- Metra'sNorthCentralServiceoffersweekdayservicebetweenUnionStationindowntow nChicagoandO'HareTransferstationadjacenttotheMMFwithaccesstotheATS.

- Pace'sPulseDempsterLineoffersdirectservicetoO'HarefromEvanstonSkokieNilesP arkRidgeandothersuburbs.

Kennedy Expressway Construction – O’Hare

The Illinois DepartmentofTransportationisinthefinalphaseoftheKennedyExpresswa yreconstructionprojectsettoconcludebylate2025.Driversshouldbeawareof:

- Outbound reversible express lanes are closed diverting allO'Haret raffictolo callanesexpectsignificantdelaysespeciallyduringpeakhourstraveltimefromdowntown ChicagoOH ar ecouldrangefromonetotwohours

- Toreducecongestionpassengersstronglyencouragedusepublictransportationoption ssuchasCTABlueLineMetra

Checking Updates on Parking Before You Leave

- T ocheckstatusparkinglotsbeforeleavingfortheairportgotoFlyChicago comEconomyLo tsoftenreachcapacityduringbusyholidaytravelperiodsPassengersshouldconsiderbook ingparkingspotaheadtimebyvisitingFlyChicago comreviewlotstatussetadvanceparkin gres ervationsbothOH ar eMidway

-AtOH ar esTerminal5CDAopened sixstoryparkinggaragelastNovemberwhichmoredoubl esnumberoverallavailableparkingspacesterminalservesbothdomesticinternationaltr avelersDriverscanwaitarrivingpassengersCellPhoneLotparkhourlyparkingMainParki ngGarage rid eATSTerminal5


Arriving Early

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S.Customs Border Prote ctionmayexperiencelongerthanusualwaittimessecuritycheckpointsgiveninfluxtrave lersRealt imeupdatesOH ar eTSAcheckpointsavailableFlyChicago comAtOH ar ECLEARLanesen rollmentoptionsavailableTerminal5PreCheckeligibletrav elersstandardsecurityCLEA RLanesalsoavailableOH ar eTerminals12wellMidwayToexpedit escreeningprocesstravelersshoul dconsultTSAguidelinesensuretherearenoprohibiteditems carryoncheckedbaggageallfoodspackedaccordanceTSArulesregardingliquids

O’Hare Rideshares Taxis Limousines

PickupsOH ar er ideshareappslikeUberLyftlocatedUpperLevelDeparturessectionTermin al2designatedridesharearea betweenTerminal13PassengersarrivingintoTerminal5musttrans ferTerminal2aboardAT SridesharepickupsAllrideshareproviderscandropoffallterminalsofferBlackcarpick upsincludingBlackcarsofferedthroughUberLyftappsLoadingzonesridesharesfoundfol lowinglocationsZoneABlackOutsidenorthvestibule2AZoneBBlueOutsidevestibule2AZo neCOrangeOutsidevestibule2BZoneDGreenOutsidevestibule2ETaxisintoChicago suburb savailableoutsidebaggageclaimareasLowerLevelcurbfronteachterminalAlltraveler sadvisedusedesignatedtaxistandsensurelicenseddriverTravelersalsoadvisednotacc eptridesdriversoutsidecabstanddeparturelevelterminalroadwaysAdditionallylimous inesavailableCitysuburbandestinationsContactcompanychoicenearrideboardsmakeres ervationsFormoreinformationaboutridesharestaxisl imousinesvisitFlyChicago comCo ncessionsHighlightsOH ar econtinuese xpanddiningoptionsrecentopeningsincludingHi nsdal ebasedProntoSandwichesTerminal1along sidenewlocationsHomeRunInnPizzaBronzePi zzaPassengerscantakeadvantagemobileorderingthroughorderORD comseamlessdiningex periencethroughoutallfourterminalsNewBusinessLoungeLOTPolishAirlinesLOTPolish AirlinesnationalcarrierPolanddebutednewbusinessloungelastDecemberOH ar eloung eprovidespremiumexperienceLOTbusinessclasstravelersStarAllianceGoldmembersfea turingPolishcuisinemodernamenitiesAshomeoneworldslargestPolishpopulationsChic agoservesvitalgatewaytravelersconnectingWarsawKrakowsaidCommissionerRheeshort lyafteropeningOnbehalfMayorBrandonJohnsonIthankLOTchoosingChicago locationair linesfirstNorthAmericanloungeTravelingSafelyFamiliesOH ar eo ffersFamilyLoung eprovidesdesignatedplayareatoddlersyoungchildrenloungefeaturesdevicecharging outletsstrollerparkingParentsfindsev erallocationsbothairportscarenursetheiryo ungchildrensafelyprivatelyAtMidwayMothersRoomConcourseCnextairportYogaRoomLac tationPodavailablenearGateA5ConcourseAOHar eprovidesmoredozenMothersRoomLactati onPodlocationscompletelistlocationsavailableFlyChicago comLiveEntertainmentAst ravelersmaketheirwaythroughOH ar eMidwaydur ingseasonentertainedmusiciansothe rartistsspecializingvarietygenreslineupincludesfollowingDateArtistTimeLocatio nGenre0327BalloonArtistMikeMauthe11a m2pmTerminal1GateB5FamilyFriendly0328Kam ilBartoszcze11a m2pmTerminal5EastExtensionDJ0404TheJazzInstituteChicago11a m2 pmTerminal1BridgeJazzMidwayDateArtistTimeLocationGenre0328BalloonArtist11a m2 pmCentralMarketFamilyFriendlyGeneralInformationTravelersboundChicagoairportscan makemostinformeddecisionsabouthowaccessaboveairportservicesvisitingFlyChicago co mwebsitecontainsrealtimeinformationaboutflightsparkingupdatestaxicabwaittime savailableconcessionbusinessesotherspecialalertstravelingpublicMyFlightsearch pageshowsspecificflightupdatesamenitiesnearflightgatewellother targetedtravelr esourcesNotethataccessairportterminalsOH ar eMid wayrestrictedalltimesticket edpassengersthoseassistingpassengersbadgedemployeesotherslegitimateairportbus iness

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