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Cabin configurations: The top operators using Airbus's versatile jetliner model globally
Webp airbus
Airbus A330-200 | Airbus

The Airbus A330-200 is a shortened, longer-range variant of the Airbus A330 family of widebody aircraft. It can typically carry between 210 and 250 passengers, while its 222-inch-wide fuselage can be configured with as many as 406 seats in high-density layouts. It can operate on routes of up to 7,250 nautical miles. Airbus's most modern variants of the A330 family are the re- engined A330neos made up of the A330-900 and A330-800.

Airbus notes the A330-200's "commonality with fellow members of the A330 Family and other Airbus in-production aircraft generates efficiency savings through training and maintenance." Here is what to know about the cabin interiors and seating of the world's largest fleets of Airbus A330-200s.

10 Aerolíneas Argentinas

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- 10 Airbus A330-200s in inventory

- Business class seats: 24

- Economy class seats: 248

- Total seats: 272

Aerolíneas Argentinas is the flag carrier of Argentina and is tied for tenth place with the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom. According to ch- aviation, both Aerolíneas Argentinas and the RAF have a fleet of ten A330-200s in service. Aerolíneas Argentinas' fleet of narrowbody aircraft is made up of Embraer E190 and Boeing 737 family aircraft. Meanwhile, ten A330-200s compose its entire fleet of widebody aircraft.

According to Aerolíneas Argentinas's website, these A330-200s are configured with 24 business class seats and 248 economy class seats. It also says, "As a result of being managed by the State for six years, our flag airline (previously made up of old aircraft) now has one of the most modern fleets in the region. "

Related: Aerolineas Argentinas Receives New Airbus A330 And Boeing F

The airline still expects to add another A330 and three B MAXs this year.

9 Delta Air Lines

- Airbus A330-200s in inventory

Business class seats:

Economy class seats:

Total seats:

With around , aircraft in service, Delta Air Lines boasts one of the largest fleets globally, rivaled only by its US competitors American Airlines and United Airlines. Apart from medium-sized Boeing s, Delta has transitioned from operating widebody Boeing aircraft to widebody Airbus aircraft (although it never purchased the ). The Airbus - is Delta's least common widebody aircraft type; all were inherited from its takeover o f Northwest.

Delta's fleet o f eleven - s are configured w ith Z odiac C irrus seat s arranged i n a - configuration They have D elta Premium Select premium economy seat s w ith C ollins M iQ seat s configured - an d economy clas s seat s o f which ar e D elta Comfort economy clas s seat s D elta Comfort seat s offer a better sea t recline vs an d tw o inches mor e row pitc h at

Related Here's Wher e D elta Ai r Line s I s Flying It s Ai r bus As Thi s Win ter Th e typ e ha s mai n route s thi s win ter

Turkish Airline s

Ai r bus i n inven tor y p >< p >Busines s clas ss eat : p >< p >Econom y clas ss eat : p >< p >Tota lsea ts :/ p >< p >Turkis hAir line stieswit hAi rFranc ebotha irline sha veAin serv iceTurkis hAir line 'sflee tcom esi ntw oc onfigurat ionsFiv eo ft hes earc raf tha vebu sine sscla sssea tsa nd econ omycla sssea tswhil etheot herf ivea irc raf tar efitt edwi thbu sine sscla sssea tsa nde con omycla sssea tsPho toAle ksand rOrl ovShut ters toc kThef irs tar craf tcon figu rat ion 'sb usin essc lass sea tsar eZo diacAur aLit ese atsco nfig ured ina patt ernThe sec ondc onfi gura tion com eswi thSi cmaMajes tycra dle sea tstha tre clin ede gre esa ndhav ease twid tho fin chesTh ese con omi ccl ass sea tsa rere caro CLsea tstha tre clin ede gre esan dhav ear owpi tchof inch esRel atedTur kishAir line sAi rbus Retur nsTo MILanFoll owin gEngi neIs suesTh eAi rbus wascl imbi ngou tofMal pens araw ayLw hens mokew asob serv edfr omon eoft heeng inesPo stsA irFr ance Ai rbus Ain ven tor yBus ines scl assse atsec ono mycl assse atspr emiu mec ono myec ono myTot alse atsAi rFr ance ist hef lagc arrie rofF ranc eet heA iss olelyA vari antit hasin serv iceT hea irli neis alsos tart ingt ore tire its Ac cor din gtoAer oLO PAI tsA sar eco nfi gure dwit hSt eli aEq uino xDse atsarr ange dina con fi gur atio nin twoca binsThe yco nver tint oful lyfl atbe dsan dfea tur ein HDtou chsc ree nd isp laysP hoto Ai rFra nce Saf ranA irgo FXse atsi nac onfi gur atio nar efit tedw ithpr emiu mec ono mySea tsa srecli neas wel lar owpi tch Th ea ircr afts eco nom ycl ass Saf ranZ se atsfe atu re rec lin ear ang edeg ree sar owpi tchi nc he sr ela tedT heA irbu ssH isto ricO pera tors YouMight Kno wab outT heAi ris sta pleo fmo dern avia tionb utw hat abo uts omeo fth ear cra ft smor eun ique form erop erat orsPo stsA irTr ansat Ai rbus Ain ven tor yBus ines scl assse atsNo neE cono mycl assse atsp remiu mec ono mye cono myTot alse atsC anad asA irTr ansat wid ebo dyf leet exc lus ive lyA fam ilya ircr aft Its come sth rees eat ingc onfi gura tion sac cord ing web sit eth ese airc raft com ewit hor sea tsTh eco nfi gura tio nfe atu res Clu bCl asse con omyc lass Pho toBj oer nW yle zic hlS hut ters toc kTh eco nfih as Clu bCl asse con omyc lass sim ila rCl ubC lasse atsE cono myc las sc lub cla seq uiv ale ntto pre miu mec ono my AirT ran sat say spl ent yr ecli ning sea tsfo otr est pos itio nhe adre stinf lig htco mfo rtG ene rou ss pac ein bet ween sea tsso str etc hou tco mfo rt ably Rel ate dm ile son Airb usA The seAr eA irTr ansat Lon gestR oute son lyW ideb odyT ype Can ada thir dla rge sth olid aya irli ned isc ove rf urth esto nes ope rate dby Qa nta sa i rb us Inv ent ory Bus ine sscl ass sea tse con omyc lass sea tsTot als eat ste chn icall yf ren cha irfo rc ea rm ee de l ai rh as exa mpl ess erv ice how eve rl isto nlyc onc ern edw it hc omm erc ial air cra ftq ant as co mes Con figu rat ion bus ine ss cla ssS olst ys rec aro cl se atr ecli ner deg ree sb usi nes sc las ss ea tre cli nes eag les ec ono my se atr ec li nen ew car pet cur tai ns plu sam bie ntm oo dl ig ht ing enh anc esc abi nex per ien cer ela tedq ant asr eve alsn extg ene rat iona irb usa ca binu pg ra de sb rea thi ngn ew lif et enu pg rad inge con om yc ab iw il lu sea ib eri aa irb us inv ent ory bus ine ssl assm orm edi cus tom iz edst eli aso lst ys co nv ert fla tb eds pas sen ger sen joy tou chsc ree nd isp lay st uris tae con omyc las sre car oc l ib eri ast ate smo der nef fic ien ten vir onm enta llyf riend lyw it hc apa cit yp ass eng ers so me lon ges tro ute sma xim um ta keo ffw eig htt onn esf ren chu nb ai ra ib er iaf leet spai nc arr ie ra ll ai rb usc hos ena fla gsh ipt yp eg oo db yea irm ile sunde rsp ain shf leet ai rc hin aa inv ent ory bu sin ess cl asss icm ama jest yr ec aro cl lie fla tb usi nes sc las sr ec lin er deg ree sec ono my we ber air gon omic tot alh awa iia nla ine sop era tes ho nol ulu sub sid iar ya lask ala rge sta irl ine op era tin gs tat ef lig ht sma inl anda mer ic anS amo aa ust ral ia ne wz ea lan df ren chc ana da bo ein gd ream lin err ela tedh awa iia na irl ine sa irb us re tur ns seat tle aft ers mok ef ill sc ock pit fir em edi cal pe rs onn elg ate me tf lig htas sis tan cep ass eng ers cr ew de pla ned po stsc hin ae ast ern ai rl ine sla rg est op era tor wor ld ai rb use xte nd edu rag ua int ha ct iv ec urre ntl yin ven tor yc hin ae ast ern bi gt hre em ain hu bs pu don gh ong qia os econ dl arg est sky tea mf lee ta rou nda cti ve fir stc hin es ec oma cn arv ow bo dy co mpe tes bri sb ane shang ha id irec tf lig hts res um edy est erd ayg ap da ys po st """

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