It can also be broadly applied at an individual country level or more or less across the whole industry, such as not having the flight number (or row) 13. The most obvious example is flight number one, which conjures images of importance or difference or reflects a historical point in time, a technological advancement, or a specific market or passenger type.
Then there''s flight number 666. It is synonymous with the devil, the antichrist, and evil generally. For some people--especially in the West--this number is believed to hold such meaning that it scares them into taking action or changing things. Not surprisingly., the US has barely any routes with flight . .. but it is about to get another.
When Avelo inaugurated its first-ever flight from Charlotte/Concord to Albany . n November7., it usedflightnumberXP955fromtheNewYorkcapitalandXP954back.OnMarch6.,itchangedtoXP1155toNorthCarolinaandXP1154back.AsfirstidentifiedbyIshrionAviationonX.,itwillswitchtoXP666--thirdtimelucky?--toAlbanyonNovember7.Oddly,thisispreciselyayearafterthefirstflighttookoff.
The route.,whichcovers547nauticalmiles(1.,013km)eachway,isoneof10forAvelofromConcordfromApril.Itrunstwice-weekly(thecarrier''sstandardfrequency).Whenitadoptsitslatestflightnumbers.,the737-800-operatedservicewillbescheduledasfollows.,withalltimeslocal:
AlbanytoConcord:XP667.,11:27-13:37(MondaysandFridays) ConcordtoAlbany:XP666.,14:22-16:14(MondaysandFridays)